Disney Background

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 2009

Yes I am a slacker! Nothing new to update until now. I got a job finally, I am a tax examiner at IRS. It is only temporary as of now but hopefully I can get something permanent. Heaven knows it is needed desperately.

The boys are getting ready to finish school and looking forward to their many camping trips of spring, summer and fall. It is always a exciting thing to go to Simpson Springs, Mac's Inn, and where ever the fall camp takes them.

This year we are visiting the Lawrence Welk Resort in August and so excited to get a chance to visit Disney and the beach this year as we always try to at least once a year. Mom and Dad will be coming with us and we enjoy spending every moment with them we have.

We hope you all have a great Spring and will talk to you again soon (hopefully, if I'm up on my game.) :)

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